LBK is a confessional church. This means that everyone in the church unanimously confesses Christ and everything that the Bible teaches. Regardless of which of our church’s congregations you find yourself in, you will hear the same biblical proclamation. The strength of the church is not that her members are better than others but that they bear each other’s burdens and share the same faith, the same joy and the same hope of eternity. We are big sinners before God and would be lost without God´s pure and life-giving teaching. The proclamation of Jesus´ atoning work gives forgiveness of sins and new life.
This is a comfort that is not based on human thoughts but on ”on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone” (Eph. 2:20). God chose prophets and apostles to witness and write down what he has revealed, said and done. ”All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16).
LBK is an evangelical church. This means that the gospel is central. God has given the world the gospel of Jesus Christ, who by nature is true God but became man for our sake. He lived without sin, suffered and died in our place and rose from the dead. By faith we make this atonement our own and receive forgiveness for our sins and the promise of eternal life together with God. Faith is not a human feeling or achievement that makes God love us more than others. Faith is trusting in the Word of God; it is a gift created by God´s loving promises.
LBK is a Lutheran church. That means we have found that the Lutheran Confessions correctly present and defend biblical Christianity. As Lutherans we often summarize our faith with the words ”grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone” and use with gratitude Martin Luther´s excellent summary of the main truths of the Christian faith in Luther´s Small Catechism.
Our purpose as a church is that everyone might come to know the deep love God has for all sinners. We proclaim both God´s law and God´s gospel. God’s law shows us God’s will and our shortcomings. From God´s gospel we come to know our only salvation: forgiveness as an undeserved gift through Jesus Christ. The gospel alone creates faith and a desire to gather with other believers to use God´s life-giving and strengthening means of grace: The Gospel in the Word, baptism and communion. In heaven we will finally join all believers of all times to praise Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the whole world.
LBK shares faith and fellowship with CELC, the Confessional Lutheran Conference, which consists of 24 churches all over the world with about half a million members.